Nursery, Preschool & Forest School in Esher

Ofsted Outstanding for over a decade. In 2012, 2016 and again in 2022!
An extract from our latest report:
Children flourish and have a thirst for learning. They thrive on the superb support given for their emotional development. This gives children a strong foundation for all their future learning. Children are excited to attend and quickly settle into activities of their choice. They clearly demonstrate very close bonds with their key person and great friendships with their peers. Children have lots of fun throughout the day, for example role play in the dinosaur world, giving their friends rides on bicycles and moulding play dough together. Children solve problems and work exceptionally well as a team to answer questions such as 'I wonder why?' and 'How does that happen?'. Children demonstrate that they feel extremely safe and cared for by fully engaging with all activities, adults and their peers. Huge smiles, squeals of glee and shouts of wonder can be seen and heard throughout the day.
Staff have high expectations for all children. They know all children extremely well and design exciting and engaging activities to captivate their interest. Staff skilfully include every child in activities by enticing them in with thought-provoking stories. For example, children search for real birds to explore the natural world. They find bird books to investigate which birds visit their pond. Staff encourage children's natural inquisitive nature and use questioning extremely well to extend and deepen their understanding and language.
Please click the following link to view our full Outstanding report from Ofsted from March 2022.
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