Nursery, Preschool & Forest School in Esher

A Day at Playgroup
General information:
West End Playgroup is a free flow, free play setting that encourages independence and promotes a child's self confidence. Children learn best when they feel secure and happy. We follow a range of themes and topics throughout the year and these are broken down into weekly topics and daily activities some of which are adult led and some of which are child led.
Breakfast club: 7.30am to 8.30am
Our breakfast club starts at 7.30am. Children arrive wash their hands and sit down to a yummy selection of cereals, fruit and yoghurt.
Mornings at Playgroup from 8.30am to 12pm
Drop off for our morning session starts at 8.30am. By 9am most children have arrived and had a little catch up with friends, at which point we gather the children for circle time and registration. Circle time is a great opportunity to learn and connect as a group. At circle time we get the children involved in the topic of the week, through discussion, songs and poems. This is also the time to explain all about the wonderful activities that will be on offer during the session and to find out what exciting things your little ones might want to tell the group.
After circle time, the children are free once more to explore the various learning through play activities that have been set up for them each day. From dressing up, playing with paint and play dough, to riding a bicycle or doing a jigsaw, we encourage a wide range of child lead and adult lead learning opportunities.
Fine motor skills are also developed at the mark-making table through fun, creative activities and through special 'work' with Aleya.
The morning session concludes as parents arrive to collect their children at 12pm. This is a chance for parents to come into playgroup to get some feedback on the morning session. Once all the morning children are safely handed over to parents the lunch club and afternoon sessions can begin.
Afternoons at Playgroup from 12pm to 3.30pm (Lunch Club 12pm to 12.30pm)
After lunch, once our lunch club children have gone home, the play continues with small group games, cooking and maybe a kick about with some balls on the village green or a trip to Garson's Farm.
Some afternoons are dedicated to forest school sessions and so we take our packed lunch with us and head outside. Forest school takes place in almost all weathers so appropriate clothing is essential. Forest school, is a fantastic opportunity for all children, from two years old*, to reap the benefits of outdoor play and learning. We start our session with register and a safety talk, before heading out to walk to our site, which is just a short way from the village hall.
We love to stop and explore all the different things that we find on the way, from tadpoles turning to frogs in the spring and leaves turning from green to orange and red in the autumn. Once at forest school we sit on our logs and have our packed lunch. Lunch is followed by tree climbing, bug hunting, fire building and lots more.
Teatime club 3.30pm to 5pm
Back at playgroup after a busy afternoon some children will head home but for the lucky few teatime club is here! At teatime club children enjoy making themselves a sandwich or two with a choice bread and a choice of toppings which they spread themselves. This is a great activity to do together with their friends and is great for learning special skills in independence such as spreading, pouring and washing up!.
Story time follows as we all relax together before parents and carers arrive for the final collection of the day.
A note about toilet training
Recently, there have been concerns raised by schools and in parliament that children are arriving at school reception without the expected level of self care skills particularly around toileting. We understand that toilet training can be a daunting phase and we if your child is not yet toilet trained when they start at playgroup we make it a priority to support you towards this with helpful tips and advice. Together we can do it! You might find the following link helpful: NHS potty training.
* Children should be fully toilet trained before attending forest school sessions.
"An early breakfast club drop-off, followed by a morning session at Playgroup and an afternoon at forest school gives my son a wonderfully varied day. It is also long enough for me to go to work. I couldn't find this combination of varied activities on offer anywhere else."
- Sarah

"West End have helped to pave the way for my son to start school in the most supportive way and for that I will always be very grateful"
- Louise